December was, of course, crazy busy (but crazy busy in a good way). Another semester ended at work and the holidays brought much needed time with friends and family.
That's my sweet little cousin, Anthony.
My mentionables for December consist of three awesome gifts I received.
First of all, let me go ahead and admit that I'm a watch-o-holic and I've got quite the growing collection.
Timex re-released many of their retro models in 2011 and I fell in love with this model from the 1970's- The Easy Reader. It can be ordered from Nordstroms here for only $60!
I love the camel-colored band and the large dark face. It's perfect for a casual day.
Next up, this Conair 213XP Infiniti hair dryer has literally cut in half the amount of time it takes me to blow dry my very thick hair. It's also much quieter than my old hair dryer and it leaves my hair silky smooth.
And while we're on the subject of hair, these hair towels are super convenient. They're called Turbie Twists and yes, I am aware that they are of the "sold on T.V." variety of products. But, they are actually really absorbent and can be washed right along with your regular towels.
It's now time to turn to the new year, already unfolding, with hopefulness. Therefore, I leave you with one of my favorite quotes....
"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who'll decide where to go." - Dr. Seuss

Happy New year to you too! I may have to give this towel a try. Wonder if I can find em local? Sometimes Wal Mart carries the just sold on TV stuff. Worth giving it a try. Thanks!