22 May 2011

Guest Room Hospitality Drawer

Ever stayed in a really nice hotel, or better yet a super quaint bed and breakfast, where all of the little necessities of life and travel are provided for you in sweet little travel size portions? It's so convenient when you've forgotten your toothbrush or need pain medication in the middle of the night.

In my newly re-decorated guest room I decided to dedicate a drawer of the dresser to any over-night guests' needs. So that guests would know that the drawer was for them, I made a small hang-tag and tied it on the dresser handle. I chose to put a pineapple on the hang-tag because the pineapple is the southern symbol of hospitality :)

I picked up a silverware organizer at my local dollar store and filled it with travel sized toiletries and various pain medications. Thanks to lots of work-related travel over the past few months I had a nice collection of luxury hotel-grade shampoos, soaps, and the like; so much of that cost me nothing. The rest I picked up at Wal-mart or Target in the travel section of the pharmacy.

Now all I need is a guest! :)

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