The beginning of the 2012 LSU Football season (Geaux Tigers!)
And a trip to Disney World for a work conference (I know, poor me, huh!?)
Now that we're all caught up, on to the Mentionables.
First up, I bought a new car! Yep, it was finally time to retire the good ol' Civic. She'd been good to me was time.
After much research and soul searching, I purchased a 2013 Hyundai Tucson.
Meet Tallulah the Tucson (please tell me I'm not the only person who names their car?).
I'm really loving having a new car and the Tucson was certainly the right car for me. If you're in the market for a small SUV/cross-over, check out the Tucson. They are an excellent value.
Next up, my newest snack obsession- the bento box.
A little cheese, some grapes, a strawberry or two and some carrots. Perfect work day snack!
And last, a tried and true, holy grail if you will, product- OPI's Bubble Bath nail polish.
It's a soft, milky pink that's subtle and looks professional. Rumor has it that this is Giada de Laurentiis' go-to nail polish as well. That girl's got great taste ;)
We're now well in to October. I'm certainly looking forward to cooler weather, more LSU football, and Halloween. And with that, I leave you with a fun little poem
When witches go riding,
and black cats are seen,
the moon laughs and whispers,
tis near Halloween.
-Author Unknown

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