My best friend moved to Houston
Then my cousin moved to Indiana
My grandmother had heart cath surgery (which thankfully was a success)
I attended a beautifully uplifting women's retreat in Biloxi, Mississippi with my church's women's group
And I survived Hurricane Isaac relatively unscathed
How's that for a month!?
But never fear my dear readers, I was still able to round up some monthly mentionables despite my very busy August. And here they are....
I chew gum regularly. It's the perfect palette cleanser and breath freshener-upper. I also have a sweet tooth. So it's no wonder I'm currently obsessed with Extra's Dessert Delight line.
You can choose from Orange Creme Pop, Apple Pie, Strawberry Shortcake, Key Lime Pie, or Mint Chocolate Chip. Or heck, just buy them all!
Not too long ago I received a sample of Revlon's Colorburst Lip Butter Lipstick in Peach Parfait. After scraping the bottom of the sample I knew I had to go out and purchase this lipstick.
It's the perfect soft peach to end summer with.
And last, a child hood favorite rediscovered.
I remember my grandmother mixing Ovaltine in to my milk as a kid. It's still just as delicious!
It's now time for fall and this chick couldn't be more ready to trade in her flip flops and bikini for some boots and scarves!
And with that, I leave you with a quote...
"No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face." - John Donne, English poet (1572-1631)

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