Ok, so maybe your Thanksgiving wasn't quite a Norman Rockwell painting, but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless!
This month's mentionables are as follows...
The colder, drier weather this time of year always leaves my hands needing more moisture. Crabtree and Evelyn's Hand Therapy Creams are amazing. My favorite scent is Summer Hill, but honestly, they're all pretty awesome.
For a while now, I've been addicted to watching "Beauty Gurus" on YouTube. I've learned so much from these ladies, from different techniques for applying eyeshadow to the newest and best products on the market. That being said, I'd like to highlight one person in particular.
Her YouTube name is emilynoel83. She's a news anchor in Illinios that does YouTube videos in her spare time. She's not only informative, but professional and fun to watch. Check out her latest video below and YouTube channel here
And while we're on the subject of make-up....
This stuff is awesome! It's Palladio's Oil-Absorbing Rice Powder. It's finely milled, smells amazing, and provides perfect, shine-free coverage. I apply it afer applying my foundation. You can pick it up at Ulta for around $5.00.
It's now time to turn my attention to Christmas. Which, shockingly enough, is only 11 days away! I'm about 75% done shopping but not one single gift is wrapped. Here's hoping I get it together soon!
As I move on to wrapping paper, office christmas parties, fruitcakes, and long lines at the mall, I leave you with a laugh....
Here's to staying sane! :)

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